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Sketch of Pandora

Digital Painting Croquis Pandore 04 Lady Melusine

This illustration enters the series of sketch exercises. Here are the steps for creating this sketch from a painting :

The first step lays the big bases of the sketch.

Digital Painting Croquis Pandore 01 Lady Melusine
Digital Painting Croquis Pandore étape 01 Lady Melusine

The second step specifies the features and elements of the illustration.


Digital Painting Croquis Pandore 02 Lady Melusine
Digital Painting Croquis Pandore étape 02 Lady Melusine

The third step is the longest, the realization of all the little details.


Digital Painting Croquis Pandore 03 Lady Melusine
Digital Painting Croquis Pandore étape 03 Lady Melusine

After the sketch stage comes the laying of values ​​(shades of gray), this is a first step towards future exercises.


Digital Painting Croquis Pandore 04 Lady Melusine